Worldwide Canine Inc. Trained Dogs

Narcotics Detection Dogs
Narcotic detection dogs trained at our facility are selection-tested for high energy, endurance, and solid search capabilities. We train our drug dogs in either passive or aggressive alert. Our dogs are trained using positive reinforcement techniques. During training, the dogs are rewarded through the presentation of a ball or Kong when illicit materials are detected. This, in turn, becomes a very exciting and positive experience for the canine.
We do not use pseudo-scents for detection training. Our narcotic dogs are trained to detect marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and derivatives thereof. Narcotic dogs trained by Worldwide Canine, Inc. are extremely versatile drug dogs possessing the flexibility to adapt to any type of search situation.

Explosives Detection Dogs
Worldwide Canine, Inc. trains explosive detection dogs to perform at supreme levels in all facets of the skill of explosive detection using a positive reward system. Our bomb dogs are trained to detect explosive materials and indicate a positive response by assuming an unassisted 'sit' position. Our bomb dogs are trained in numerous environments that model real-life scenarios. Areas used for training include buildings, vehicles, luggage, packages, refrigerated and dry bed trailers.
We do not use simulated or pseudo-scents in training our dogs. Our bomb dogs are trained to detect Smokeless Powder, Black Powder, PETN, C4, TNT, RDX, Comp A & B, Semtex, Ammonium Nitrate, Water Gel, Dynamite, Detonation Cord, Black Powder Fuse.

Patrol Dog
Patrol dogs trained at Worldwide Canine, Inc. are of the highest quality, individually selected, and specifically trained to accommodate the widely varying requirements of law enforcement. Training for patrol dogs includes on and off-leash obedience, attack, bite, hold, out, re-attack, stay/watch, standoff, building search, felony search, attack under gunfire, article search, and tracking.

Personal Protection Dogs
Personal Protection Dogs are trained for one specific function – to protect you, your family, and your property. Contrary to common misconceptions, they also offer companionship as a trusted friend. Unlike the commonly perceived "guard dogs" or "sentry dogs" – which are trained to aggress on any perceived invasion of their domain without command – Personal Protection Dogs are trained to react only when commanded by their owner. However, it should be understood that these dogs will react without command when the owner is threatened or disabled and unable to command the dog. In essence, these are "command" dogs, trained to respond to difficult situations, yet are compatible with the enjoyment of life at all other times.
Dual Purpose Dogs
Worldwide Canine offers dual-purpose canines, which are fully trained police patrol K-9s that are also trained in the detection of narcotics or explosives. This presents a significant up-front cost savings compared to purchasing two separate trained dogs.
Dual Patrol-Narcotics Dog
Our dual-purpose narcotics dogs are fully trained in the detection of narcotics as well as the skill of officer/handler protection. In addition to narcotics detection, the training includes on and off-leash obedience, attack, bite, hold, out, re-attack, stay/watch, standoff, building search, felony search, attack under gunfire, article search, and tracking.
Dual Patrol-Explosives Dog
Our dual-purpose explosives detection dogs are fully trained in the detection of explosives as well as the skill of officer/handler protection. In addition to explosives detection, the training includes on and off-leash obedience, attack, bite, hold, out, re-attack, stay/watch, standoff, building search, felony search, attack under gunfire, article search, and tracking.

Executive Protection Dogs
Executive Protection Dogs are trained to function at an extremely high level. The training on these types of dogs is geared toward high-profile individuals in today's fast-paced society. Executive Protection dogs are trained to react when commanded by their owner and without command when their owner is threatened or unable to command the dog. These dogs are highly socialized and adapt to constantly changing environments. An executive-level protection dog's training permits him to travel with his owner. Hotels, airplanes, board rooms, and jogging trails are all commonplace for an executive protection dog. In addition to protection, they offer companionship as a trusted friend.